In 2023 April the president appointed a cabinet subcommittee to prepare a National Education
Policy frame work for Sri Lanka. An expert committee appointed by the cabinet subcommittee
has developed the new policy framework in September 2023 and this was approved by the
cabinet in September 2023. The government also announced that this will be presented to the
parliament and it will the basis for any policy reforms in the future.
As similar to the preceding reforms, this policy framework was formulated without sufficient
engagement in consultation procedures with pertinent stakeholders, notably the civil society
sector. Therefore, CED Sri Lanka organized a consultation meeting with an expert group to
review the NEPF 2023 and find out the gaps, challenges, suggest alternatives and ultimately
assist to develop a more comprehensive policy framework. The team compiled a paper Civil
society Observations on NEPF 2023.

CED Chairman Mr Chandana Bandara presented Civil Society observation to the civil society
activists and Academics at the conference on NEPF 2023 at the University of Peradeniya -Sri
Lanka 24 March 2024