The new government that came in to power in 2015 stated that they would introduce significant changes the existing education system. They also indicated that new framework will be developed taking in to consideration the targets mentioned under SDG 4. Although senior politicians including the prime minister made several statements with regard to educational reforms in different location a formal proposals or plan has not been submitted by the government. CED asked for opportunities to take part in the planning process, however our request has not been considered by the authorities.     In this context CED searched for alternative strategies.

After having a discussion with the CED board members it was decided to developed civil society proposal on educational reforms. In this process CED obtained   assistance of a reputed educationalist to facilitate the consultation workshop and develop these proposals. The initial workshop was held on 09 April in Colombo.

All the suggestions submitted by the workgroups recorded and then analysed and categorized under ten thematic areas. In these proposals special attention was given to achieve the national education goals as well as sustainable development goal 04 –ensuring quality education for all.  The draft proposals were reviewed by panel of experts at the sub session followed by the initial workshop. After consolidating all the important suggestions    CED handed over the proposals to Secretary of education In November at the special ceremony held in Colombo.   The secretary appreciated the initiative and informed that CED will be invited for the future discussions.   This proposal also sent to the education reform committee of the National Education commission. CED expects to lobby the provincial education ministers and relevant authorities for reforms based on the point in this proposals.