Finding alternative approach in limited civil society space - An alternative progress report on achieving SDGs Government of Sri Lanka agreed to present a volunteer review on the progress the country...
Survey on Cost of Education
In order to ensure quality education for all, the state also developed the infrastructure required to make free education accessible to all. The process created a network of state run schools and an...
Raising awareness among the disabled communities
CED conducted an awareness raising programme for the disable group in June 2018. This programme was held in Anuradhapura and a total number of 40 participants who are differently abled participated to this...
Awareness programme on ELDS for pre-school teachers
Providing quality preschool is an important factor in achieving SDG 4 - Ensuring quality education and life-long learning opportunity for all. Coalition for Educational Development conducted 2...
CED Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Coalition for Educational Development was held on Sunday 25<sup>th</sup> of March 2017 at the Ecumenical Institute for Study &...