Awareness programme on ELDS for pre-school teachers

Providing quality preschool is an important factor in achieving SDG 4 – Ensuring quality education and life-long learning opportunity for all. Coalition for Educational Development conducted 2 days training program on ELDS (Early Learning Development Standards)...

CED Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Coalition for Educational Development was held on Sunday 25<sup>th</sup> of March 2017 at the Ecumenical Institute for Study &amp; Dialogue in Colombo with the participation of the 49 Member Organizations who involved...

Working with Media – International Children day

CED conducted various activities to celebrate international important days for education CED members participated for five radio discussion and these programme were broadcast on world Children day. In addition CED joined hand with district/divisional secretaries in 5...

Policy submission – Civil Society proposals

The new government that came in to power in 2015 stated that they would introduce significant changes the existing education system. They also indicated that new framework will be developed taking in to consideration the targets mentioned under SDG 4. Although senior...