Coalition for Education Development (CED)
Coalition for Education Development (CED) is a consortium of organizations involved in the education sector at national provincial and local levels in Sri Lanka.
We have an island wide membership network encompassing 57 organizations actively engaged in the field. Since inception in 2004, CED has been involved in promoting civil society participation in formulating and implementing policies related to education in Sri Lanka.
CED is committed to steer the Civil Society participation as a vital part in the achievement of goals and targets of EFA,MDG and SDG declarations. Since SDG 4 goals provide the guideline for new vision for education by 2030, CED has already addressed the issues of promoting civil society involvement in education development tasks of Sri Lanka.
CED developed a strategic plan in 2015 for three year period (2016 -2018) and for the time being we are implementing the activity plan for 2018. We have commenced setting up Provincial Educational working groups comprising of Political representatives, Provincial Educational officers, Civil Society organizations and members of the general public. We have conducted number of capacity building programmes for our member organizations, teachers and parents and involved school children in several activities. We expect to work with other segments of society such as media, parents associations and professional bodies at the district and provincial level in the future. We are conducting studies on drop-
out children with the non-formal education unit of the ministry of education. In addition we are involved In assessing the quality of the ECCD sector in Sri Lanka
CED Advocacy on Presidential Election
Sri Lanka response to Covid 19
COVID Awareness Stickers
Due to the pandemic situation, the authorities decided to close all the educational institutes in March 2020. As a result of this thousands of learners had to stay home and school children could be...
කොරෝනා වෛරසය හේතුවෙන් අධ්යාපන ක්ෂේත්රය තුළ මුහුණ දීමට සිදුවන අභියෝග
චීනයෙන් ආරම්භ වූ කොරෝනා වෛරසය මුළු මහත් ලෝකවාසීන් භීතියට පත්කරමින් ලෝකයේ රටවල් 106 ක පමණ පුද්ගලයින් මිලියන දෙකකට වැඩි පිරිසකට ආසාදනය වී ඇති අතර ඉන් ජීවිතක්ෂයට පත් වූ පිරිස ලක්ෂ දෙකකට ආසන්න වෙමින් පවතියි. මින්...
Education in Sri Lanka – Are we on the right track
All the schools including private and international schools were closed on 10 of March. Ministry of education informed that schools will be reopening on 26 of April. However later in April 20th the Ministry...
Latest News
Awareness Program on How to use RTI for protecting Education Rights
CED conducted an Awareness raising program on using the provision of RTI Act to mitigate corruption and promote accountability of the education sector. The main objective of this...
Capacity development programme for CED member organizations
CED conducted a capacity assessment using a standard questionnaire in March 2024 and according to the findings CED identified their capacity...
Media brief on National Education Policy framework
The parliamentary elections, which mark an important moment in the future and politics of Sri Lanka, held on November 14, 2024. At this crucial time for the future development and well-being...